Pedro vicente maldonado quito

Pedro vicente maldonado quito


Pedro vicente maldonado documentary # 1

He was born in Riobamba, Ecuador, on November 24, 1704. In 1721 he graduated as a teacher, he did not pursue higher education, with the books found in the libraries of the Jesuits and his brother, he studied arts, philosophy, Latin, mathematics, geometry and grammar.

In 1736, he joined the French Geodesic Mission and collaborated with scientists who arrived to measure an arc of the Earth’s meridian and to know the exact shape of the Earth. Maldonado befriended many of them, especially the French naturalist, mathematician and geologist Charles Marie de La Condamine (1701 ~ 1774). This meeting was a turning point in his scientific career, with the support of the French he undertook several works, including the first geographical map of the Audiencia de Quito.

Once his road undertaking to communicate Quito with Esmeraldas was concluded, he arrived in Madrid -1746-, where Philip V granted him the Governorship of the Province of Esmeraldas for two lives -for him and his direct descendant- and made him «Gentilhombre de la Real Cámara con llave dorada» (Gentleman of the Royal Chamber with a golden key). Shortly after, he obtained for his brother Ramón Maldonado the title of Marquis of Lises.

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Its territorial patrimony corresponds to 672 square kilometers of surface. They integrate more than thirty enclosures and populated centers distributed throughout the area belonging to the Canton. Among the most important are:

Simón Bolívar. Diez de Agosto. Álvaro Pérez. San Vicente de Andoas, San Juan de Puerto Quito, Nueva Aurora, Paraíso Alto, Paraíso Bajo. La Celica, El Cisne, Pachijal. 15 de Mayo. Los Laureles. Brisas del Guayllabamba, Salcedo Lindo. Konrad Adenauer, Barrio Lindo. Monte Olivo, etc.

The canton of Pedro Vicente Maldonado is located in the heart of the northwestern area of the Province of Pichincha, on the foothills of the Western Cordillera of the Andes, surrounded by the following political jurisdictions:

This biophysical space of Pedro Vicente Maldonado is of characteristics typical of the Sub-Tropical region, with a fertile soil and abundant in natural resources and with a landscape of indescribable beauty for being the central point of the northwestern zone. It has a slightly undulating topography, and its altimetric levels average between 600 and 1,100 meters above sea level.

What did pedro vicente maldonado die of?

It has many places where you can develop ecological tourism. Pedro Vicente, a magical Canton characterized by its diversity of waterfalls among which stand out: Salto del Tigre Waterfall, Achotillo River Waterfall, Blue Waterfall, Tatalá Waterfall, Escondida Waterfall, Green Waterfalls; and its rivers among which we have: Jordan River, Pitzará River, San Dimas River, Cabuyal River, Las Tinas River, Pachijal River, Silanche River, Achiote River, among others.

The canton of Pedro Vicente Maldonado is located in the heart of the northwestern area of the Province of Pichincha, on the foothills of the Western Cordillera of the Andes, surrounded by the following political jurisdictions:

Its territorial patrimony corresponds to 656.50 square kilometers of surface. They integrate more than thirty precincts and populated centers distributed throughout the area belonging to the Canton. Among the most important are: Simón Bolívar. Diez de Agosto. Álvaro Pérez. San Vicente de Andoas, San Juan de Puerto Quito, Nueva Aurora, Paraíso Alto, Paraíso Bajo. La Celica, El Cisne, Pachijal. 15 de Mayo. Los Laureles. Brisas del Guayllabamba, Salcedo Lindo. Konrad Adenauer, Barrio Lindo. Monte Olivo, among others.

Mapia – lotes de venta pedro vicente maldonado

Pedro Vicente Maldonado y Flores, (Riobamba, Real Audiencia de Quito (actual Ecuador) 24 de noviembre de 1704 – Londres, Inglaterra, 7 de noviembre de 1748) fue un científico ecuatoriano que colaboró con los miembros de la Misión Geodésica francesa. Además de físico y matemático, Maldonado fue astrónomo, topógrafo y geógrafo.

Desde muy joven, Maldonado se interesó por los misterios de la naturaleza, y entre 1722 y 1724 emprendió numerosas exploraciones de regiones desconocidas para estudiar la geografía de la tierra con gran detalle; completó su primer mapa en 1725. Volvió a su ciudad natal para cuidar de su hacienda y permaneció allí hasta 1720, cuando se trasladó a Quito. El 5 de febrero de 1730, Maldonado se casó con la hija del gobernador de Popayán, y obtuvo la ventaja de estar emparentado con una familia poderosa e influyente. Regresó a Riobamba en 1724 y fue elegido alcalde de Cabildo en su primera elección; posteriormente fue nombrado Teniente de la Magistratura. A pesar de ocupar estos cargos administrativos, Maldonado no descuidó sus observaciones científicas. Ese mismo año presentó una propuesta ante el Virrey del Perú, José de Armendáriz, para unir la Real Audiencia de Quito con Panamá. Fue el primero de sus muchos proyectos relacionados con las rutas comerciales y el transporte.

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